Common finding forever samples
Common finding forever samples

common finding forever samples common finding forever samples

Only 100-feet further, however, it runs past a decrepit gun factory and underneath a graffitied bridge before flowing adjacent to my high school and out to Cayuga Lake.

common finding forever samples

The creek is spectacular as it cascades down the 150-foot drop of Ithaca Falls. I caught that 10-inch fryling five years ago on Fall Creek using a $5 fly rod given to me by my neighbor Gil. Then, my heart racing with excitement, I lowered the fish to the water and watched it flash away. I kept a firm grip on the rainbow trout as I removed the lure from its lip. The olive trees flourish and yield fruit despite the oppression of the sun. I like to think that the other widows also have secret stashes of light, brightly colored clothing. Maria’s yellow dress is long gone, but the pinks and blues and purples are still there. Yaya has a secret drawer of floral nightgowns that she only wears when the day has ended and the sun can no longer punish her misfortune. When Yaya gets home from the cemetery, she closes the shutters and peels off the black clothes, folding them carefully and placing them on the dresser, next to Papou’s old bifocals. No matter how helpless the olive trees look, rain will come. When the sun sets in southern Greece, it rains. The lines are unforgiving, the trenches have been dug, the stalemate between the want of joy around the eyes and the stubborn endurance of suffering around the silent lips wages on. Once the sun starts to set and the day cools, my Yaya and the other women of the village venture out of their homes, carrying olive-oil lamps to their husbands’ graves, the lineaments of their faces illuminated by the lanterns. The black clothes are suffocating they invite the sun to beat down with more cruelty than before. The yellow dress went away after Papou died.Īs did the levity with which we used to make fun of Maria’s foolish infidelity. They are from pursing her lips in an attempt to suppress the pain after my Papou was taken by the same merciless hands that took her daughter away, but this time, those hands looked like cancer. The most recent are the lines chiseled around her thin mouth, as if out of marble. More prominent than her crow’s feet are the wrinkles etched into her eyelids, from squeezing her eyes tightly shut, trying to block out the pain of having her daughter taken from her, after only 18 years on this earth, by the unrelenting grip of an untimely death.

common finding forever samples

Deep trenches of lineaments cross her forehead, revealing the hardships of a childhood spent in poverty. She used to sing a song called “Μαρία με τα Κίτρινα,” “Maria in Yellow,” and we would laugh because Yaya also had a yellow dress, but she did not emulate the risqué behavior of Maria, who couldn’t decide whom she loved more, “τον άντρα σου ή τον γείτονα” her husband or her next-door neighbor.Īs I got older, I realized that there are more worry lines than laugh lines. When I was 5 or 6, I thought that my Yaya was the most beautiful woman in the world, with her wiry white hair fresh out of curlers and laugh lines showing around her eyes like a map of all of her times spent smiling. They stagger, twisting and turning toward the heights despite the farmer’s careless pruning the mere matter of amputated limbs will not stop them. The trees can grow through rock, live without rain. Somehow, they manage to grow anyway persistence and stubborn endurance are all they know. The women are like the olive trees, which reside in soil so dry that it crunches under your feet as you walk. The black attire signifies the status of a widow, of a stoic mourning is only displayed through the color of clothing, never through emotion. Waking up every morning before the unforgiving sun can shine through the window, they dress from head to toe in thick, black clothing that doesn’t let in the light - of the day or of the spirit. They can clean their own teeth, thank you very much, all two of them. There is nothing more irrepressibly badass than the old women of southern Greece.

Common finding forever samples